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Paw Pride Character Traits


Each month, we will focus on a specific character trait, which will be the focus at each campus in KISD.  Your support in reviewing and recognizing these traits at home each month is appreciated!



     Defined:  to care for and respect your home, school, community, and environment

    Demonstrated:  follow school rules, respect other people and property, improve your environment

 October - CARING 

     Defined:  to show concern for the well-being of others through words and actions 

     Demonstrated:  help others, forgive, show kindness 


     Defined:  to show high regard for self and be courteous and considerate of others 

     Demonstrated:  tolerance, good manners,  peaceful conflict resolution


     Defined:  to exhibit self-discipline, use of self-control, good citizenship, being accountable for your own behavior

     Demonstrated:  self-management, thinking before you act, considering the consequences of your acitons


     Defined:  to acknowledge the importance of staying with a task and not giving up 

     Demonstrated:  GRIT, determination, endurance


     Defined:  to demonstrate trustworthiness, fairness, and truthfulness

     Demonstrated:  having courage to do the right thing, building a good reputation, being reliable


     Defined:  to show that when two or more people work together by combining their talents and abilities, the task can be accomplished in a more efficient and effective manner

     Demonstrated:  patience, teamwork, open-mindedness, inclusion of others' ideas